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The Rosa Graf German skin care line promoting natural beauty&variety of exclusive cosmetic products for treatments and retail sale.

Microdermabrasion Treatments:


One 60- minute Microdermabrasion Treatment with Oxygen Facial...$150

Three 60- minute Microdermabrasion Treatments with Oxygen Facial...........................$380

One 60 minute Microdermabrasion Treatment & facial mask with LED Light .......................................$200

Three 60-minute Microdermabrasion Treatment & facial mask with LED Light........................................$580


Fibroblast pricing per area:

Micro-needling Treatments:


One RF Micro-needling with Hyaluronic Acid Serum Treatment...$500

Two RF Micro-needling with Hyaluronic Acid Serum Treatment...$999




Post-OP Lymphatic Drainage Massage:

30 minutes single session.............$90
60 minutes single session.............$120
30 minutes x6 sessions.................$510
60 minutes x6 sessions.................$660

 Chemical peels:



Glycolic Facial peel..................................$135

Salicylic Facial peel.................................$150

Jessner Facial peel..................................$135

TCA Facial peel........................................$350

Sensi peel................................................$90

Sensi peel x3 package.............................$240

PCA peel with Hydroquinone...................$175

PCA peel with Hydroquinone x3..............$450

PCA body Peel per area...........................$195

PCA body peel x3 package.......................$520



Facial Massage Treatments:

European Facial,75 min.....................$180
Vitamin C Facial,60 min.....................$150
Acne Facial,60 min............................$175
Aromatherapy Facial,60 min..............$145
Hydrodermabrasion Facial,70 min.....$180
Ultratherapy Lifting Facial,65 min.....$160


​​​Contact Us

9304 Old Keene Mill Road, Suite A Burke,Virginia  22015

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Licenses and certifications:

CLS-Certified Laser specialist

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Tel: (703)337-2027

Laser safety training certificate

Quanta/ Deka Laser, IPL training

Master Esthetician Board Certified

Board certified in Registered Nursing

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